Get Involved!
Shirley Booth once said that the audience 'make up fifty percent of the performance'. Echoes Festival exists for your enjoyment, and it just wouldn't be the same without you! But you too can be at the centre of the action. Scroll down to learn about the many ways you can get involved and play a more active role in our events.
Come & Sing!
Did you know that choir practice is healthier than yoga?
If you are an amateur singer passionate about classical music with some prior experience of choral performance, treat yourself to one of our uplifting one-day workshops.
Each year our 'Come & Sing' event proves to be one of the most popular in the Festival, offering a rare chance to work on Early Iberican choral repertoire seldomly covered on other UK vocal courses.
You’ll be amazed how quickly you can learn a new piece with the help of our friendly specialist conductors. Our venues are carefully chosen to provide sumptuous settings and favourable acoustics in which to relax into this beautiful music.
Come and see what this feel-good craze is all about – it's the perfect opportunity to exercise and socialise!
COVID-19 Update:
In view of the 2020 pandemic we have decided to postpone our next Come&Sing event till 2021. We look forward to seeing you then!

Pictured above: one of our Come & Sing venues, the Great Gallery at the Wallace Collection
Pictured left: Watch a clip (in Spanish) from our workshop on Victoria's Requiem, held as part of the Victoria 4th centenary celebrations in 2011.
Numerous volunteers will help us stage Echoes Festival this Autumn. At every event our dedicated volunteers bring energy and enthusiasm to a wide variety of roles, from administration to greeting the public at our concerts.
Volunteering is a fantastic way to learn new skills and build confidence while helping to put on one of the country’s most exciting cultural festivals. EF volunteers are a diverse and supportive community who are passionate about the arts, classical music and Latin culture. If this sounds like you, please get in touch by writing to us at info@ilams.org.uk or send us a message via the Contact page.​
Work Experience
We also offer work experience for those looking to take their first steps into the world of arts administration. If you are interested in working for the Festival on a more formal basis please get in touch specifying whether you have professional expertise or experience in any of the following:

Event management
Stage management
Logistics management
Marketing & communications
Press and PR
Development and fundraising
External relations
School Recitals & Workshops
We also offer immersive concert programmes designed specifically for children which can be tailored to different age groups. We are currently promoting 'Singing Through Spain' featuring the Aglaia Trio. Alternatively, please contact us if you would like one of the other musicians/ensembles appearing at Echoes Festival this year to give a recital or workshop to your pupils.

The Aglaia Trio
Community Collaborations
From amateur choirs to Latin dance groups, Echoes Festival has a proud tradition of collaborating with local community clubs and outreach programmes, as well as organising fundraising concerts for numerous Latin charities.
This year, we're joining forces with Bilingual Beats for the second time to offer music events for babies and toddlers, and we're also looking forward to working with the Vivace Chorus for the first time as part of our classical tango event, 'Mass in Blue' on 9th November at GLive.

Pictured above: community Colombian dance group, Talentos, perform a bespoke coreography at our PanAmericana concert at Barbican's Milton Court in 2017 to raise funds for LAWA (Latin American Women's Fund).
Pictured left: The 'Piano in the Amazon' outreach programme created by Brazilian pianist Carla Ruaro, as featured in Echoes Festival 2018 at the Brunel Museum.
If you're part of a community group and would like to feature in the Festival, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you!
Support Us
Prefer to help out from the sidelines? Visit the SUPPORT US page for information about how to become a Friend of the Festival, or help in other ways such as leaving a legacy or sponsoring an event.
Background video: Aerial view of Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado, and Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil